Remedios Varo: Science Fictions at the Art Institute of Chicago

I came across her work this Thursday at the Art Institute of Chicago. It was all a lovely happenstance, much like many things in my life. Since seeing the show, I’ve found myself on a small deep dive learning more about her.

She was a woman captivated by the alchemy practices of her Surrealist circle, with a fascinating life lived in Mexico. She was surrounded by mystics, scientists, musicians, and occult practitioners. She explored these occult practices, with paintings showing scenes of transmutation practices and theories around music and levitation. The show also contains excerpts from her journal, including a recipe for how to have exotic dreams.

The show is the first solo show of Varo’s work in the United States in over 20 years. It’s located on the second floor of the Modern Wing next to the cafe. And I very much recommend you view it, it’s a great show to indulge yourself with as we enter the Autumn season. Up until November 27.

Exhibition Links:
Exhibition Details
Summoning Remedios Varo

Video of Conversations:
3. Remedios Varo AIC

A Taxonomy of Techniques