Kenrick Mcfarlane's Solo Show :Meta at M+B Gallery

Full Frontal Pussy on a Saturday Morning?

I visited Kenrick’s Meta solo show in LA this weekend. I’ve mentioned Kenrick on this blog before, he is a dear friend who I consider to be very wise. His presence and his words have many times brought me peace, I think he has that gift. Kenrick and I have kept up throughout the years, from our days commuting from the burbs to the city and back, bumping into eachother on the bus and the train to spend the time talking about life. I am very proud of him and his journey.

I didn’t really know what to expect going into the gallery. Kenrick is a very good painter. Just on a technical level, I love the way he paints. The openness and freedom, done in such a way that showcases skill, understanding of the medium and confidence. When all comes together, it’s something you have to see in person to really experience.

Walking into the gallery, the first image I was presented with, a woman with her legs up in the air, a pussy and black face. My first thought was that’s WILD, my second being “who the hell is buying that painting?” I walked around the gallery surrounded by the graphic images the paintings presented. In a general sense, I have grown to feel partially desensitized from graphic images and the number of audacious things one can expect to see in a globalized modern world. But these paintings, I couldn’t help but be with them for a while, attempting to put my finger on what it was about them that felt that way.

The images in this show explore some of the shadow spaces of the mind. Darker elements, that like nightmares, have their space and deserve their presence and meditation.

I am glad Kenrick has this space to explore, that there is this freedom of expression he has cultivated in order to give us images that explore these elements of humanity. It really is a show to see in person, if you are in the LA area or just have some cash to blow on a trip out there, highly recommend. He also has a show coming up in September in Paris this year, which like all his other shows I’m sure will be one worth seeing.

Kenrick Mcfarlane “Meta”
M+B Gallery in Los Angeles
July 7 - August 12, 2023

More images including THAT one on the gallery website here:

Images of Kenrick’s show from M+B gallery website
Copyright the artist