An Unsettling Dream
It was dream within a dream. I stepped our of their home, it was night time and I was looking for my shoes that I had left on their upstairs patio. In the shadows I saw a rabbit. In its panic the rabbit ran towards me and tucked itself at my feet in between my legs. I could tell it was scared, scared of people as rabbits are and I had spooked it with my presence. I wanted to calm it. I felt it’s body breathing in between my calves, it was rapid. I met it at its breath and tried to slow it down. The rabbit synced with my breathing and I felt it calming down. I heard a sound behind me, from a pile of things on my back left side, but I couldn’t see anything in the shadows. A cat jumped out and in its quickness sliced the rabbit’s neck killing it. The blood sprayed on my legs. The dead rabbit laid at my feet. I felt like I had betrayed the rabbit, given it a false sense of security before its death. I was angry with the cat, I scolded it, but the cat’s instinct was to kill, it had done nothing wrong. I felt guilt for not having done more to protect the rabbit, whose trust I had gained in its last moments of life. Then another animal ran to me, not a rabbit but something else that I couldn’t remember when telling my mom in my dream and I can’t remember now as I write this. But in the same manner it ran to my feet and in the same manner the cat came out and killed it. Two animals laid on the porch covered in blood. It felt like a waste. What was the purpose of their deaths?
Mexico City, September 2021