Selected Works


The Many Realms of the Flowers,
2021- ongoing. Charcoal on Paper. 9” x 12”

A Visionary Call from Alicia
2022. Charcoal on Paper. 42” x 98”



Baby’s-breath in Levitation
June 2023. Watercolor and Gouache on Cold Pressed Arches Watercolor Paper. 7”x 10”

Portal to the Valley of the Sundog Flowers
July 3, 2024. Watercolor and Gouache on Cold Pressed Arches Watercolor Paper. 7”x 10”

Cosmic Energies
June 2024. Watercolor and Gouache on Cold Pressed Arches Watercolor Paper. 7”x 10”


The Infinite Sundog
December 2024. Watercolor and Gouache on Cold Pressed Arches Watercolor Paper. 7”x 10”

A Presence Balancing Matter
May 2024. Watercolor and Gouache on Cold Pressed Arches Watercolor Paper. 6” x 4”

Visions: In the Path of Totality
December 2023. Watercolor and Gouache on Cold Pressed Arches Watercolor Paper. 7” x 10”

Visions: Renacidos en La Zona del Silencio (Visions: Reborn in the Zone of Silence)
December 8, 2023. Watercolor and Gouache on Cold Pressed Arches Watercolor Paper. 7”x 10”

Spring Daffodil and the Circle of Nine
April 3, 2024. Watercolor and Gouache on Cold Pressed Arches Watercolor Paper. 7”x 10”

Circle of Nine
March 11, 2024. Watercolor and Gouache on Cold Pressed Arches Watercolor Paper. 7”x 10”



Meteorito en el Planeta del Silencio ( Meteorite in the Planet of Silence)
December 2024, Oil on Linen Canvas. 12” x 5”

La Presencia entre las Rosas
Oil paint on cotton duck canvas. 36” x 48”



Summer Triangle Asterism
(Vega, Altair, Deneb)
July 2024. Watercolor and Gouache on Cold Pressed Arches Watercolor Paper. 7” x 10”

Southern Cross Asterism
Acrux, Mimosa, Gacrux, Delta Crucis)
July 2024. Watercolor and Gouache on Cold Pressed Arches Watercolor Paper. 7” x 10”

The Winter Hexagon Asterism
(Capella, Pollux, Procyon, Sirius, Rigel, Aldebaran)
February 29, 2024. Watercolor and Gouache on Cold Pressed Arches Paper. 7”x 10”



ApariciΓ³n (Apparition)
Midnight Hours Collection. 2021. 35mm Portra 800 film

Presencia en Planeta Yucca (Presence on Planet Yucca)
California. 2021. 35mm Ilford Black & White film

Ojos en la Cocina de Mami Mitty
Durango, Mexico. 2021. 35mm Portra 800 film

Crystal Tower
Midnight Hours Collection. 2021. 35mm Portra 800 film

The Parallel Botanization of the Nopal
Durango, Mexico. 2021. 35mm Portra 800 film

Ojos en la Tumba de Mama Lupita
Durango, Mexico. 2021. Digital photograph